If you fail to direct your subconscious mind, it produces under a law of averages, and you are a nice, ineffective, sweet person. There are millions of such people. You ride with them on trains, you see them in your neighborhood; people who are neither good nor bad, but merely average. They don’t do anything evil for they have been warned they would go to hell if they did. They aren’t too good because that is an effort. They aren’t bad enough to be in hell, and they aren’t good enough to be in heaven.
The important factor in your life is never what you are thinking at the instant. It is the sum total of all that you have ever thought. What you are thinking at the instant moves from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind automatically and adds to the sum total. Unless your conscious mind is spiritually activated, it cannot do anything constructive to the subconscious except add to its sum total.
Treatment is a spiritual idea deliberately accepted by the conscious mind, setting into action a law at the subconscious level. Average thinking is not a decisive direction to the subconscious. Treatment is a command to the subconscious to produce a good. Each time you treat, your thought becomes a law of creative Mind.
Raymond Charles Barker - Treat Yourself to Life - P 1107- Para 2 - 4
So...LET'S TALK....!
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.