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All is Love - YET - All is Law!

The mastery of the Law of Mind will bring man the greatest liberation he has ever known. 
But man is primarily a thinker, and can never be content with mere animal comfort. Now the voice of the thinker is being heard. He has recognized the fact that his mental world is governed by law just as he found to his delight that the proper use of physical law has increased his physical comfort, so he is finding that the proper use of Mental Law multiplies his mental and spiritual comfort. To the howls of the skeptics, unable to accept anything that they have not as yet experienced, we would say, "Remember the caveman."
Even though mankind as a whole is not yet enjoying the full benefits of Mental Law, millions of individuals are finding increasing mastery in living, in the deliverance from sickness, and in the financial supply, through their individual use of Law.  The benighted Central African might not believe that there is any such luxury as millions of Americans enjoy, yet that same luxury is available to every one of them who can achieve it. 

Dr. Frederick Bailes - Your Mind Can Heal You - Page 14 - Para 2-4


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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.



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