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Answered Prayers and Demonstrations

“The basis of Treatment is that your subconscious mind is part of the Mind of God. Your subconscious mind is your very best friend, your creator, your ally. It will go to work for you at this instant to produce all the joy, all the love, all the peace in your world that you could possibly want. Being a part of The Infinite Mind, it plays the leading role in the creative process. It is that part of the Universal Mind, which is the Law, which is as unchanging and unrelenting as the Law of Gravity.”

Dr. Raymond Charles Barker – Treat Yourself to Life


Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is it my prayers (now called Treatments) do not give me the certainty I desire, that being my Treatments are working (or being answered) or what I like to call “Delivering the Goods”?

One common answer has been “The answer is in the Treatment”. This sounds nice, but when you’re in need of a demonstration (also called Answered Prayer), it hardly brings the Petitioner (person giving the Treatment) any comfort, much less certainty.

In my 50 plus years of experience, the most common challenge in having certainty regarding Treatments (Prayers) being answered, is not so much as having the desired answer in the prayer (which is certainly very Important) but making certain you have included consciously the Law of Mind and Its Operation very specifically to produce the results desired.

I’d ask you to give the above quote some serious thinking. Ask yourself: Am I including The Law of Mind, which is functioning in me every moment of my existence, to receive and act upon that which my prayers are requesting? Do I realize this Law of Mind functioning in me is a function of The Universal Law of Mind which is regulating the entire Universe of which I am a vital part? Do I realize It is Intelligent, and that I am Intelligent, therefore It must respond to me, and It always will? It is responding to me…NOW!

OK, I will leave it here. Do think about these things, and check to see that they are in your treatment and Its Intention. The rest, as my dear friend Dr. Bob Bitzer, would say:

“Getting Treatment to work, why it’s as easy as falling off a log.”

Rev. Lloyd



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