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I Surrender All Fear, Doubt or Uncertainty and Accept the Gift of Life Today
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” - Luke: 12:32
"WE should always keep in mind that we are beneficiaries of life. We do not put the chicken in the egg, nor the oak tree in the acorn. Rather, we take them out. We did not create the divine presence nor the law of good; we commune with this presence and use the law. Therefore, Jesus said that it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is our business to receive it. And in doing this we follow the same method that any scientist would, for the scientist knows that he did not create the laws that he uses or the principles which he employs."

Ernest S. Holmes and Raymond Charles Barker - Richer Living Page 140, para 1


No doubt many of us will recall this recent subject of being “Beneficiaries” as written in our daily study of “365 Days of Richer Living”. Why the rerun of that which we just breezed through? That, dear friend, is exactly the reason: We Breezed through it!

The reason most of us have difficulty with the Science of Mind Philosophy is that we don’t realize it's more a practical cookbook, if you will, to making a near-perfect Life. And, at the same time enjoy our time in the Cosmic Kitchen. Every good cook knows, you either follow to the letter of the recipe as written, or experience the Daily Bread that does not rise! Need Proof? Read on!

Ask yourself, Why am I intended to be a Beneficiary in this Life? What’s the Science of Mind Principle that explains this?

Next, what is the recipe so-called, to align myself to be able to follow the instructions of the recipe as laid out in the instructions of the “Cook Book” - aka The Science of Mind Textbook?

Lastly, why me? Should I, of all people, be an Heir or Beneficiary to what is called “The Kingdom of God”, and if so, why in the name of God, should it be me!?

Well, you are in the perfect place to get your “Bread to Rise” come this June 11th, July 9th, and August 13th. These are the long-awaited Zoom calls where all good and worthy Beneficiaries gather to get “their buckets filled to overrunning”. We will discuss the exact recipes to a Life worth truly Living and the Keys to a Continued Life through the Principle of Immortality.

Yup, that's just a couple of the offerings on the menu, so will you be there to receive them? More on this is following in a more detailed note which is forthcoming. PLEASE read it and stay tuned in. Don’t, and I repeat, Let your Bread Fall, this time around. Get the Cosmic Apron on, and let’s cook this subject “Beneficiary” to Its last delicious drop!

Love ya,


PS - Don't forget to submit your comments/questions below to be covered in our upcoming Summer series - "SO... Let's REALLY Talk!!"

June 11, July 9, and August 13.

We are also having our Annual Tahoe Mountaintop Summit

Saturday, 9/17 at the Rouda Roost on the shores of Lake Tahoe.

More info to follow…



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