We now know that unconscious mental patterns repeat themselves with monotonous regularity. We see, then, that man is a house divided against itself. In his hope he exclaims, “I believe!” while something which seems to have almost equal power within him says, “You dare not believe.” In his high moments of spiritual exaltation he says, “God is all there is,” while something within says, “Maybe so. But just look about you!” And so the argument for and against life goes on automatically.
In the metaphysical field this has been called the “Argument of error.” In the psychological field it has been called the “inertia of thought patterns.” In the metaphysical field, when these thought patterns are changed, there is an inner tearing or rending of them, as though they were being uprooted and pulled out against their will. This process has been called “chemicalization.” In the psychological field it has been called “Catharsis.” In the Bible it was called “casting out devils.”
Ernest S. Holmes - How to Use the Science of Mind - Pages 90-91
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Attendees: Be sure to bring your Science of Mind Textbook
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later today regarding ZOOM availability
So...LET'S TALK....!!
Please click on the below Weekly Reflection Video.
Annual Mountaintop Summit
Soul: The Sacred Means of Spirit
September 15 - 17
The Rouda Roost
On the Shores of Lake Tahoe
We are already here at Tahoe and it is WONDERFUL! Here's Josh helping out with the material for this coming weekend. Don't you want to come up and play?
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.