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Writer's pictureJoshua Holmes

Did You Miss It?

Wow! - In our first of 6 monthly Zoom lessons by Rev. Lloyd on Dr. Holmes's What We Believe, he gave a closing treatment that all who were present agreed was VERY powerful. It was so inspired that we decided that it needed to be in print and as an audio piece. This is the transcript with little to no editing. Please enjoy the audio and you can read along below.

For those of you who missed this powerful talk - Stay tuned:

We will have the full video coming this Thursday.

Closing Treatment - Rev. Dr. Lloyd George Tupper

What We Believe - March 25, 2023

Just take a moment and go within ourselves and allow that presence of spirit.

Whether we feel it or not, we do know it. And knowing is right now the most important thing.

First, we know, then we feel - and I have it on the highest authority,

that spirit wants to be courted.

I play in the field of Spirit.

I may experience something personal, and warm and caring, and tender and protective.

And all-knowing and all caring, and all-forgiving and all provided to me… and to all those who I am privileged to serve as their practitioner or minister or friend,

or whatever they want to call me.

And I know for all of you… my fellow practitioners and ministers

and fellow "workers in the vineyard of humanity's life".

Whatever you are known for…

whatever you feel yourself to be,

you too are the temple of the living presence of my God.

For my God is the God of most people.

It waits on us to recognize it, and it waits on us to play with it.

Like we did as children in the innocence of our ignorance

we play... and with God,

it is a large, large playing field.

God does not punish us when we falter,

And foul, and we get bruised, or we seemingly don't win the race.

What God does is always be present and it knows only its own nature.

God does not know my mistakes, so-called…Ernest Holmes says there are no mistakes - because every so-called mistake brings us closer to our target, to the bullseye,

or more reverently, the demonstration.

And I know…

…and I know that I know ...that every person within the sound of my voice or on the very ethers of life, (once called, Ginnie) are responding to this prayer. Because this prayer is about them as much as it is about us and me. It is a prayer of truth.

As Ernest Holmes so beautifully and eloquently stated:

There is only one life, and that life is God and that life is our life now.

And that life does respond to itself and itself is who you are, and who I am.

That is its nature. And it has always been its nature. Whether it showed up in Moses,

Isaiah, a Mother Teresa, a Buddha, or a man called Jesus who achieved that state of Christ.

But then it is written that Christ in you. Christ in me, is our hope and glory as a species.

So how do we escape it? How can we deny that which we are and - live peacefully and joyfully and happily and prosperously and healthy with ourselves

if we do not accept it?

So I say to you, as I say to myself:

Give it a shot!

Court the presence! - Invite it to bide… bide its time with you,

and invite it to sit with you, and break bread with you.

In that sweetness of your home and your soul, throughout your body,

in your bank account, in your relationships.

In all that is here.

For that is the God of reality.

That is the God who declares that you are its beloved,

in whom it is well pleased.

And so you are, and so it is, and so it shall be,

so saith the God in me…Amen!

Please join us for our Zoom

April 29th from 10 am to Noon (PDT)

Join Zoom Meeting:

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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.


3 comentarios

Paula Swanson
Paula Swanson
29 mar 2023

This treatment touched my soul- beautifully stated- playing in the field of spirit- we are so loved. 💕 Amen

Me gusta

29 mar 2023

I feel it in every fiber of my Being.

That's a Treatment.

Thank you so much for providing it!

Me gusta

Beautiful. In deep gratitude I say Amen.

Me gusta

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