“The only constant in life is change.”
Sue and Josh having been stranded in Tahoe this past week has given me some time to reflect on this series. What I have come to is that the Mountain I am attempting to climb in interpreting/encapsulating the Genius of Dr. Holmes's Sacred beliefs in the written form is beyond my capacity. Furthermore, it is most challenging (and perhaps impossible) to explain the intricacies and depth of these principles in a Weekly Reflection blog... let alone to ask you, dear ones, to read and embody each Thursday. So, after considerable frustration, consternation, and Prayer, I have chosen to address this in a more fitting format and one that I have a certain degree of mastery: Speaking!
How will this look?
Sue, Josh, and I have come together on a new format where we will still be sending out the "Weekly Reflection". But instead of a full lesson, these will contain the principles we will reference and scintillating questions for you to hold in mind as we move toward a monthly ZOOM Meeting to take place on the last Saturday of each month. We are very excited about this new format as it brings us all together more often - and keeps our Weekly Reflection as a brief but consistent source of information and inspiration. For those who cannot attend the Zoom, a video recording will be posted right in the blog on www.revlloyd.com. What a wonderful Demonstration of the "Infinite Intelligence" that is working through all of us even in the face of frustration and challenge!
And, we know that this is right and perfect - because as Dr. Holmes said:
"I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination which scatters the moonbeams across the waves and holds the force of nature in its grasp."
So, there are no mistakes here, only a Surrender... a Divine Surrender to the guidance of Spirit and to the Truth of myself that I know. And, it is a marvelous opportunity for us to grow and learn more together.
So please stay tuned to our Weekly Reflections and plan to join us for our first Zoom on March 25th from 10 am to 1 pm - where together we can all get into the "Real Meat" of this very profound subject of "What We Believe".
Details and Zoom links to follow in our upcoming Weekly Reflection.
PS: Is there a circumstance in your life that appears not to be working where you could use a little Divine Surrender? I have to tell you, it feels really good!
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.