We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
We believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in all people and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit.
Ernest S Holmes
“Intelligence manifests itself by responsiveness, and the whole action of the cosmic mind in bringing the Evolutionary process from its first beginnings up to its present human stage is nothing else but a continual intelligent response to the demand which each stage in the progress has made for an adjustment between itself and its environment.
Since, then, we have recognized the presence of a universal Intelligence permeating all things, we must also recognize a corresponding responsiveness hidden deep down in their nature and ready to be called into action when appealed to.
All mental treatment depends on this responsiveness of Spirit in its lower degrees to higher degrees of itself. It is here that the difference between the mental scientist and the uninstructed person comes in; the former knows of this responsiveness and makes use of it, and the latter cannot use it because he does not know it."
Thomas Troward - The Edinburgh Lectures - Chapter II - Page 13
Please read the above a few times before we meet this Saturday on Zoom for our class this coming Saturday, March 25th from 10 am to 1 pm (PDT) The explanation by Thomas Troward was a key to Dr. Holmes's understanding and a major contribution to his series of Beliefs which will be the subject matter for the next six month’s Zoom classes. If you do not understand the Definition of Intelligence as given by Troward, your complete understanding of the series on Dr. Holmes's Beliefs will be greatly reduced.
Therefore “get understanding, and all things will be added”. I assure you, Troward’s contribution to Dr. Holmes is considered by many, “his missing link” in completing his philosophical foundation. I feel nothing will be missing from “our understanding” when this first of six classes is completed.
Please, do not miss these classes. Albeit they will be recorded for future reference, nothing is quite as satisfying as being present in person the moment the magic transforms us.
Love, Lloyd
Please join us for our Zoom
March 25th from 10 am to 1 pm (PDT)
Join Zoom Meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82695709003?pwd=NytPay90L2hyd283cDFMSFkxMGwvQT09 Meeting ID: 826 9570 9003 Passcode: 077817
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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.