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Omnipresent God Cooperating Through You

Mind moves each person forward. Spirit impels us to greatness. Law brings to pass our decisions. this is Religious Science. But, Religious Science can be demonstrated only by people who know who they are and where they are going. It is not a philosophy; it is a science. It is not a theology; it is a practice. The brave accept its challenge. The others continue to linger in the halls of vague speculation.
*Omnipresent God is omnipresent right action. In It you are immersed. In you, It says: "Go forward." It demands accomplishment. Knowing what you want and how to achieve it, you are an ally of the Divine. Thinking what you want and steadfastness in your self-discipline of mind makes you the delight of the Lord. The decided person is God's person. No power on earth can stop the one whose sights are set on goals and whose discipline is to that end. Others falter, but God's person moves up a step higher and proves their belief.

Dr. Raymond Charles Barker - Create the Life You Want - Page 3 - Para 1-2

*Omnipresent: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “Present in all places at all time”

Sample of how to do the above:

We conceive of Spirit as the only self-conscious Principle of the universe, Mind being not self conscious. "Spirit is First Cause, is self existent, and has all life within itself." It has the ability to will, select, and direct. Mind has the ability to obey, to be directed into specific activity, but it cannot will and select. The originating and the initiatory act is always that of Spirit. It is then picked up and given form by Mind, which is the Universal Subjective.

Dr. Frederick Bailes - Your Mind Can Heal You - Page 130 - Para 2


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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.


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