“Let this Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”
Phillippians 2:5
“The Christ - The Word of God manifest in and through man. In a liberal sense, The Christ means the Entire Manifestation of God and is, therefore, the Second Person of the Trinity. Christ is Universal Idea, and each one ‘puts on the Christ’ to the degree that he surrenders a limited sense of Life to the Divine Realization of wholeness and unity with Good, Spirit, God.”
Dr. Ernest Holmes Science of Mind Textbook p. 578-9
Ernest Holmes tells us that “the Christ” is all of God’s manifestation in its absolute Divine Realization and that It is the Second Person of the Trinity. That means It is “The Son” part of “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;” It is the part of the trinity that shows up on earth, manifested in form….as we let it show up in us, we realize ourselves as part of The Son. To paraphrase Holmes - there is a wholeness and unity in Christ and that includes us.
Let’s think of how Paul put the same idea in his letter to the new Christians in Philippi. Paul puts the mind of Christ squarely in us - no separation. Our part is to recognize this Christ consciousness as ourselves.
In our journey to realize our unlimited holy potential, it might be an idea for us to take this metamorphosis in stages. Even the baby we celebrate at Christmas took it in stages. We speak of “Jesus, who became the Christ.” We, too are becoming the Christ step by step; we are becoming fully realized little by little.
Instead of trying live Christ from the inside out, as Paul wants us to, how about we “put on the Christ” from the outside as a first step? For example, we can put on the cloak of compassion when we still hold a seed of competition or judgment. We can put on the glasses of love and see the world as Jesus saw it when we feel our own eyes are cloudy.
This Christmas season, try “Putting on the Christ” in whatever dear, honest, step-by-step way we can come up with.
Are there other fully realized Beings teaching this same lesson from a slightly different standpoint? Tune in next week to find out.
Karyl and Lloyd
Rev. Karyl Huntley-Sadler
Rev. Dr. Lloyd George Tupper