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I Shall Not be Moved

A new year inspires you to greatness. You look ahead and see the solution of your problems. You greet it with hope, vision, and optimism. This is exactly what Religious Science teaches. But to hold that vision steadfastly through twelve long months is almost impossible for anyone. Even in late January, most people have returned to their unconscious acceptance of defeat. They fail to keep the high standard of right thinking. The readers of this book can prove for all the world to see that any hope sustained consistently becomes a fact in actual experience.
The mind of Jesus expected God to deliver through Law the ideas that he nourished. He never accepted defeat. He never anticipated failure. He kept his thinking hewed to the line of great ideas, and his demonstrations two thousand years ago changed the course of history. As Orthodoxy developed, his essential message was lost in ritual and symbolism, but in each age, there have been those who kept the lantern of his true teachings alive. Religious Science does this for this age.
One year from this day, you will either be exactly as you are, or you will be an improved person. Your thought, and your thought alone, determines which you will be. No person can make you a saint, and no person can make you a sinner. You stand always in the atmosphere of your own consciousness and experience the result of your own contemplations. The Divine Law of justice rules and governs your life. There is no one To blame and there is no power that creates miracles.
God is Order through Law. God's Love leads you to greatness, but God's Law delivers to you your own just deserts.
A new year brings promise to those who can change their consciousness through disciplined thinking and feeling. To the rest, it brings repetition. Take your highest visions, hopes, and desires and believe them true. Think in terms of them, and know that the Infinite wants you to experience them. There is no power opposed to your creative thinking. Twelve months of greatness greet you with their potentials, or, one month of hope and eleven of unconscious acceptance of the usual troubles.
Religious Scientists accept in the now what they know will happen in the future. Like Jesus, they believe that all things are possible to a clear mind in a healthy emotional arena.

Raymond Charles Barker - Create the Life You Want - P 62-63

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So...LET'S TALK....!!

Please note that Weekly Reflections will be on hiatus until further notice.


We plan to continue these lessons and this community in a reimagined way -

likely with a broader reach and a more sustainable paradigm.

Please see Lloyd's message above for more on this.

We will keep this very beloved group updated as we move forward.

Many Blessings for 2025!


"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship.

Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down

unless you allow it to get inside you."


A mountain represents an exalted state of mind where the divine plan may be perceived and unfolded; a state of spiritual realization. The "high mountain" to which personality carries is in our spiritual uplift of consciousness of power over mortal thought in all its earthly avenues of expression. Going up the mountain to pray means elevating our thoughts and our aspirations to the spiritual viewpoint.


Charles Fillmore


Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.



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