"The nature of the divine is everywhere equally present. The Creator must indwell Its creation, and God must be in you. There is no vagueness about this indwelling Presence. It is Mind and It uses your mind as Its seat of operation. the nature of God is a Divine Givingness, and in you this Nature offers Itself without stint.
God as Mind in you offers you Its Ideas. These Ideas are persistently urging you to greatness. They seek to have you become the fullness and the whole stature of God. In you consciousness is the availability of God. You need not seek It afar, nor in an edifice. It is the inner urge to greatness. It is your intuition. The Spirit indwelling you thinks rightly of you."
Raymond Charles Barker - Create the Life You Want - P - 29 / Para 1-2
*See below for information about Mountaintop Summit Registration
We are requesting your commitment by August 31*
So...LET'S TALK....!!
Please click on the below Weekly Reflection Video.
Annual Mountaintop Summit
Soul: The Sacred Means of Spirit
September 15 - 17
The Rouda Roost
On the Shores of Lake Tahoe
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.