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The Meaning of Immortality


Marilyn Sue Rouda

March 9, 1934 - June 9, 2024

When death shall come

And the spirit, freed, shall mount the air,

And wander afar in that great nowhere,

It shall go as it came,

Freed from sorrow, sin, and shame;

And naked and bare, through the upper air

Shall go alone to that great nowhere.

Hinder not its onward way,

Grieve not o’er its form of clay,

For the spirit, freed now from clod,

Shall go alone to meet its God.  

Ernest S. Holmes - The Science of Mind Textbook - Page 389 - Para 1


To most of us, immortality means that we shall persist after the experience of physical death, retaining a full recognition of ourselves, and having the ability to recognize others. If our full capacities go with us beyond the grave, we must be able to think consciously, to will, to know and to be known, to communicate and to receive communications. We must be able to see and be seen, to understand and to be understood. In fact, if one is really to continue as a self-conscious personality beyond this life, he can do so only if he maintains a continuous stream of the same consciousness and self-knowingness that he now possesses.

Ernest S. Holmes - The Science of Mind Textbook - Page 371 - Para 1



So...LET'S TALK....!!

Study Principle

Science of Mind Textbook

Chapter 23 - Immortality

Pages 371-389

The Meaning of Immortality

Where Did Man Come from and Why?

What Is the Body?

Shall We Have a Body Hereafter?

The Ether of Science

Is There Spirit Communication?

What of Reward and Punishment?

Shall We Rest in the Hereafter?

Personal Convictions of Life Eternal.


Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.



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