A practitioner is one who practices mental and spiritual healing; and demonstrates for other than physical healing. The practitioner knows within himself the truth about his patient; and that self-knowingness rises into the consciousness of the patient. We treat man, not as a patient, not as a physical body, not as a diseased condition; neither do we treat the disease as belonging to him; we do not think of the disease as being connected with him nor a part of him. The practitioner realizes that man is born of Spirit and not of matter. Spirit is Changeless, Perfect and Complete. He realizes this until he sees his patient as a living embodiment of Perfection.
Mental healing means Mind healing. To heal means to make whole. We seek to heal men’s mentalities, knowing that to the degree in which we are successful, we shall also be healing their bodies. Belief in duality has made man sick and the understanding of Unity will heal him. God stands to us for the One Life in which we all live. MENTAL TREATMENT IS A DIRECT STATEMENT IN MIND OF WHAT WE WISH TO HAVE DONE AND A REALIZATION THAT IT IS DONE. Healing is the result of clear thinking and logical reasoning, which presents itself to consciousness and is acted upon by it. Realize that you are a Divine Idea and that your word is the law unto the thing unto which it is spoken. The whole idea of healing, when understood, is the substitution of Truth for sense-testimony. This restores man to a condition of wholeness.
Ernest S. Holmes - The Science of Mind Textbook - P-621-622 & 597-598
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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.