We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
We believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in all people and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit.
Ernest S Holmes
The First Cause, the Great I Am, the Unborn One, the Uncreated, the Absolute or Unconditioned, the One and Only. Spirit, or the Creative Energy which is the cause of all visible things. Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Power, Substance, Mind. The Truth which is real, the Principle which is dependable.
The Real Idea of man, as distinguished from the outer personality. Each one is a separate entity in Mind and no two are alike. Each is an individualized center of God-Consciousness. We are born with our individuality. Our personality is the use we make of our Divine Individuality.
If we do not have a thorough grasp of how these words are to be interpreted as Dr. Holmes did, how are we who follow his teaching and going to duplicate the great works in healing all manner of human woes such as he is acknowledged for demonstrating?
Thus, as we begin to investigate “What He Believed” as put forth (see the front of S of M textbook) we can easily get lost and confused by the language he used in his declarations of Beliefs.
It is true that I’m a stickler for meaning, thus the purpose of words in describing such meanings. If we don’t understand the subject uniformly, we simply can’t get the results intended.
I plan to explain every aspect of Dr. Holmes's beliefs as I use and rely upon them for successful results. I invite everyone who seeks their treatments to become grounded in an agreed interpretation of "What He Believed", as compared to "What We Believe". Just maybe, a tweak here, a tweak there, and Bravo! Demonstration! (If this is at all confusing to you, make sure to come to our Zoom on March 25th. I will make it very clear.)
Thus I ask you to please use the glossary to look up the meanings of every word in question in the “What He Believed” series. This will put us all on the same page, and set us up for a lifetime of positive satisfaction!
Please stay tuned to our Weekly Reflections and plan to join us for our first Zoom on March 25th from 10 am to 1 pm (PDT) - where together we will all get into the "Real Meat" of this very profound subject of "What We Believe".
More details and Zoom links to follow in our upcoming Weekly Reflection.
Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.