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What We Believe - Principle 9

We believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind.

Ernest S. Holmes


The accumulated experience of the whole race is lodged in the subconscious of everyone and operates through everyone until a passageway is cleared back through the mind to the spiritual Presence, which has never been affected by the race thought. While perfection is at the center of everything, the ages have built up a sense of disease and discord which has been transmitted from one person to another. It is lodged in the general race belief.  
From this source, through unconscious suggestion, it passes into the life of the individual and more or less hypnotizes everyone from the cradle to the grave. It is the business of the practitioner to free thought from the bondage of this race suggestion.

Ernest S. Holmes - How to Use the Science of Mind - p 79-80


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Disclaimer: The teachings and interpretations contained in this series are personal for me in my life and are not intended to represent or rewrite any of Dr. Holmes's teachings or the teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living. Any repurpose or rebroadcast of these reflections to those who would use them intelligently is highly recommended.



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