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“I respect the good, the beauty and the love I have known. However, I keep my thinking and feeling fresh and creative in this day and in the great days to come. Such days are God's gift to me. ”

Raymond Charles Barker – Spiritual Healing for Today - Page 106 Para 3

"Today is my day for creative right action producing affirmative results greater than any that I have created before. My Consciousness is uncluttered by old patterns, old hurts and wrong opinions. In my thinking, Yesterday is finished and gone from my thought. I am free to proceed with the business of fresh living, thinking and feeling I have every idea I need to do this. In my consciousness the one Mind, God, alerts me to these great spiritual ideas. I know their value and I use them.
With joy I release all outworn ideas from my thinking. The negatives of Yesterday have gone and I am now a new thinker in a better experience. I create my good by knowing in joy that my good is truly mine. All the channels in my consciousness are causing it to happen and it is now a fact. I do not hope, I know. My knowing is causative to my experience. I hold fast to my dream and my expectations of good, and my thinking makes it so. I am changing into a better and finer individual."

Raymond Charles Parker – Spiritual Healing for Today - Page 106 - Para 1 - 2



This month is the birthday of one of the most significant people in my life. Not just in my Ministerial Life, but in just about every area of the past 53 years. This person is Doctor Raymond Charles Barker whom I have used as a teaching inspiration this week for our “Reflection". Raymond became a dear friend to me, and as in all friendships of late, he is now part of what I call my “Yesterdays”.

Although Raymond passed forward in January of 1988, his teachings and friendship are ever with me, guiding and yes, annoying me when he is always ‘Right’ as we might call it. He was a no-nonsense teacher and friend... a truly, very great man. He was warm, and rarely off-purpose. His legacy is immense!

Sadly today, not too many New Thought adherents know of Raymond. In a way, I feel sorry for them. Albeit, I have donated many of his Lectures recorded from Lincoln Center in New York City to the Archives and Library located at CSL headquarters. These are being digitized and will be available for listening. Be sure to avail yourself and you will be transported! Let’s keep his works Alive today.

Among those who did know and learned from him, was Louise Hay. She has kept him alive in her work. She is the founder of Hay House Publishing and I remember her well. She wrote a tribute to him that reads: “ Dr. Barker’s church I learned to connect with a Power within me to shape a life I wanted to live. Much that I have today I owe to his teachings."

Thus I offer you this suggestion. Read his books.* There are several in print. Soon you will be able to listen to his recorded Lectures. They contain a wealth of Genius! He was, and still remains “One of the greatest of “Yesterday’s” so-called Early Timers. I am proud to call him my teacher and friend. I owe him much of what is good in my ministry and my life.


Rev Lloyd

* As many of you know, I am gifted by Doctor Barker's estate to own several of his copywritten works.



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